Shipping Workers: Do They Qualify for Workers’ Comp?

Nearly every state, including South Carolina, has workers’ compensation laws requiring most employers to provide compensation for medical expenses and wages when their employers are injured at work or while performing work duties. However, one group of workers that is…

The Dangers of Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is unsafe behavior that puts everyone sharing South Carolina roads at risk and leads to serious accidents. Aggressive driving involves deliberate acts such as speeding, tailgating, weaving lanes, running red lights, blocking other cars, and making rude gestures. When…

Avoid Truck Accidents by Avoiding Their Blind Spots

One reason why so many drivers like to drive SUVs and pickups is because they are higher off the ground and provide a better view of the road. So it stands to reason that many drivers would believe commercial truckers…

Can You Drink While Driving a Boat in South Carolina?

It’s nearly Memorial Day, which means plenty of South Carolinians will be celebrating the long weekend out on the water. However, it also raises the question, is it okay to drink while boating? In South Carolina, determining this answer can…

Who Do I Get Compensation from If I’m Injured by a Coworker?

When you are injured by someone else’s negligence, you can often pursue compensation through a personal injury claim. When you are injured in an accident at work, you can get compensation for your medical bills and lost wages through workers’…

Employee Injury Rates and How Wellness Programs Help Reduce Them

According to insurance data, American employers pay an estimated $1 billion every week in workers’ compensation benefits for disabling, non-fatal injuries. Employers, and insurance companies providing workers’ compensation insurance, don’t like paying out on claims for injured employees, and employees…