Were You Hit by a Truck? Investigating Your Truck Accident Claim

Being hit by a commercial truck can result in catastrophic injuries that cause significant losses and expenses. Unfortunately, the law does not give truck accident victims much time to file claims for benefits. In many cases, the injured party or…

What Should I Do After Being Involved in a Car Accident?

It is important that you act quickly – and intelligently – to help protect your rights after being in a car accident. Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm shares what he believes a person should do after being involved in…

What Should I Look for in a Car Accident Lawyer?

Choosing the right car accident lawyer for the job is a complex process, and most people wonder: “What should I look for in a car accident lawyer?” Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm shares his thoughts on what he believes people…

Lower Gas Prices Can Lead to More Traffic Fatalities

Gas prices in South Carolina are much lower than they have been in recent years. According to Gas Buddy, the lowest price for regular gas in the last 36 hours in Charleston was $1.47 per gallon, with many other stations selling…

Social Media Dos and Don’ts After a Car Accident

When you are involved in a car accident, it is natural to want to share the news with your friends and family. As you recover from the car accident, start to file your claim, and are offered a settlement amount, you…

Safety on the Jobsite: Tips for Fall Prevention

Workplace accidents occur every day in various industries throughout the United States and here in South Carolina. Falls are one of the most common types of workplace accidents. Commonly Used Statistics provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reveal that…