Police cruiser lights at the scene of a fatal accident involving a pedestrian in Charleston, SC

Date of Incident: September 4th, 2023

South Carolina Reporting Authority: Laurens County Coroner’s Office

Type of Accident: Car Accident

Location of Accident: Old Milton Road in Laurens County, S.C.

Injuries: Fatal

Description of Accident: A fatal crash occurred on Monday afternoon around 3:45 p.m. on Old Milton Road, approximately six miles from Clinton, S.C. According to authorities, a sedan traveling east on Old Milton Road veered off the right side, collided with an embankment, and flipped over. Tragically, both occupants, a 41-year-old man from Clinton and his 68-year-old mother from Laurens, lost their lives in the accident.

Local Media Coverage: WYFF 4


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