Moving Forward: Adapting to Life With a Disability

You face many challenges when you have a disability. You may have to alter how you go about your daily life and deal with limitations that you’ve never experienced before. However, you can overcome obstacles by making adjustments and requesting…

What If My On-the-Job Injury Was My Fault?

If you are covered by workers’ compensation in South Carolina, you are eligible for benefits regardless of whether the injury occurred because of a mistake on your part. That is because South Carolina uses a no-fault system for workers’ compensation….

Teachers Beware: Don’t Get Schooled by This Unfair Workers’ Comp Tactic That Could Limit Your Benefits

By Davis Rice The teaching profession is one of the noblest callings that a person can enter into as a career choice. Teachers are charged with educating, molding and shaping our society’s future generation. Indeed, many of today’s most successful entrepreneurs…

Dying Too Young: Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors More Likely to Die Early Deaths

A recent study by British and Swedish researchers found that individuals with traumatic brain injuries are three times more likely than people in the general population to die prematurely, particularly from suicide, injuries and assaults. The report, which was published online by…

Surveillance – Big Brother Is Definitely Watching You

Surveillance is now the norm, not the exception, in most injury cases, particularly in workers’ compensation cases. I don’t know whether insurance companies have tapped into some sort of federal grant money to pay private investigators, but if you have any significant case,…

Which is Right For You?—Key Differences Between Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income

It’s easy to be confused by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) because both governmental programs provide benefits to qualifying individuals. They have names that sound similar. But there are important differences between these federal services….