If your newborn was injured due to a medical provider’s negligence, you may be entitled to seek compensation for losses you and your baby suffered. Birth injuries are a specific type of medical malpractice claim. Seeking justice and compensation will often require the knowledge and resources of an experienced birth injury attorney.
Our attorneys understand how stressful and heartbreaking it can be to deal with a birth injury, particularly when medical negligence leads to long-term damage and serious developmental issues. The birth of a newborn baby should be a time of joy and celebration. When a medical provider fails to uphold the accepted standard of care, the consequences can be devastating for families.
Depending on the specifics of your situation, you may be able to bring a claim against the hospital where your newborn was delivered, the physician who performed the delivery, or another at-fault party. To bring a successful claim against the liable party, you will need an experienced, aggressive legal representation.
The Summerville personal lawyers at Joye Law Firm have more than 50 years of extensive experience representing families in birth injury cases. We offer a free consultation to all potential clients so that you can understand your rights and legal options. Contact us today to discuss your case.
Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Birth Injury?
Anyone whose negligence contributed to your newborn’s birth injury can potentially be held responsible for the injury if they failed to perform their medical duties within the accepted standard of care. Parties that might be liable in a birth injury case include:
Medical Professionals
You might be able to bring a claim against an individual doctor or a medical team, depending on who made a negligent medical error. OB/GYNs may primarily be responsible for your baby’s injury. Nurses, doctor’s assistants, anesthesiologists, and other medical professionals also may potentially be liable.
Health Care Facilities
Many physicians work as independent contractors and can be held personally liable if their negligence causes a birth injury. However, in some cases, hospitals and clinics have “vicarious liability” for the medical staff who work at the facility. If those employees make a negligent medical error that leads to a birth injury, the healthcare facility could be held liable.
Healthcare facilities can also be directly responsible if they failed to uphold the accepted standard of practice. For example, if a hospital did not properly vet staff during the hiring process or if they have insufficient staff on duty, the hospital could have contributed to your newborn’s birth injury and may be financially liable for the injuries.
Determining who is responsible for your baby’s birth injury can be challenging since there may be multiple liable parties involved. An experienced medical malpractice attorney can help determine the cause of the injury and which parties may have contributed to it.