police line at a crime scene

Date of Incident: June 30, 2024

South Carolina Reporting Authority: Charleston County Sheriff’s Office

Type of Accident: Pedestrian-auto collision

Location of Accident: Sugar Hill Road by Wright Hill Lane in Hollywood, SC

Injuries: One Fatality

Description of Accident: A tragic incident occurred early Sunday morning in the Hollywood area, resulting in the death of a 71-year-old woman. Around 1:30 a.m., the victim was walking on Sugar Hill Road near Wright Hill Lane when she was struck by a car traveling down Sugar Hill Road. Emergency responders arrived at the scene, but the pedestrian succumbed to her injuries and was pronounced dead on site. The incident is under investigation to determine the exact circumstances leading to the crash.

Local Media Coverage: Victim identified in Charleston County auto-pedestrian crash (WCSC Live 5)


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