Motion blur ambulance attending pedestrian injury in Clemson, SC

Date of Incident: April 17th, 2023

South Carolina Reporting Authority: Anderson County Coroner’s Office

Type of Accident: Pedestrian Accident

Location of Accident: Amity Road in Anderson, S.C.

Injuries: Fatal

Description of Accident: A hit-and-run accident occurred on April 17th, where a pedestrian was hit by a 2013 Ford Escape on Amity Road outside of Anderson, South Carolina. The pedestrian identified as a 30-year-old from Anderson passed away at a hospital on May 2nd. Troopers arrested a 49-year-old man from Anderson County in connection with the accident. The Anderson County Fire Department, Anderson County EMS, Medshore EMS, and the South Carolina Highway Patrol all responded to the scene. The victim was found in a ditch on the side of the road, according to the coroner.

Local Media Coverage: Chanel 7 WSPA


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