Police cruiser lights at the scene of a fatal accident involving a pedestrian in Charleston, SC

Date of Incident: October 13, 2023

South Carolina Reporting Authority: South Carolina Highway Patrol

Type of Accident: Car Accident

Location of Accident: I-26 Westbound near mile-marker 167 in Orangeburg County, S.C.

Injuries: One fatality

Description of Accident: A fatal two-vehicle collision occurred on Friday morning on I-26 westbound in Orangeburg County. A 2014 Chevrolet Impala collided with a 2007 Mack truck at the 167-mile marker. The Chevrolet driver succumbed to injuries at the hospital, while the Mack truck driver remained unharmed. The victim’s identity is pending release by the Orangeburg County Coroner’s Office, as the investigation into the crash continues.

Local Media Coverage: Live 5 News WCSC


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