Date of Incident: April 25th, 2023
South Carolina Reporting Authority: Laurens County Coroner’s Office
Type of Accident: Car Accident
Location of Accident: Greenpond Road near Gray Court, S.C.
Injuries: Fatal
Description of Accident: A fatal crash occurred in Laurens County, South Carolina, where a pickup truck hit an SUV. The crash happened when the driver of the SUV, a 63-year-old woman from Gray Court attempted to turn into a private drive on Greenpond Road. The woman later died in the operating room, due to multiple traumatic injuries suffered in the crash. The driver of the truck has not been identified. The accident occurred at 2:20 p.m. and both drivers were taken to the hospital. Further information about the crash or the drivers involved has not been released.
Local Media Coverage: WYFF 4