Police crime scene tap that says do not cross

Date of Incident: December 10, 2024

South Carolina Reporting Authority: Dillon County Coroner’s Office

Type of Accident: Motorcycle Accident

Location of Accident: Old Ebenezer Road, near the intersection of Dunwoody Court

Injuries: One Fatality

Description of Accident: A fatal motorcycle crash occurred on Tuesday evening in Dillon County, resulting in the death of a 34-year-old man. The incident took place around 6:26 PM on Old Ebenezer Road near the intersection of Dunwoody Court. The motorcyclist was traveling north on Old Ebenezer Road when he collided with a 2014 Nissan heading south. The motorcyclist sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Local Media Coverage: Victim identified in Dillon Co. deadly motorcycle crash


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