Police crime scene tap that says do not cross

Date of Incident: May 6th, 2023

South Carolina Reporting Authority: Orangeburg County Coroner’s Office

Type of Accident: ATV accident

Location of Accident: Hwy 389 in Orangeburg County, S.C.

Injuries: Fatal

Description of Accident: A crash on SC 389 late Saturday night resulted in the death of a 26-year-old man from Neeses, who succumbed to his injuries at MUSC Health in Orangeburg. The victim was driving an ATV heading south when it collided with a Freightliner tractor-trailer that was also traveling south, according to reports from the South Carolina Highway Patrol. The crash occurred at around 11:55 p.m., and the authorities are conducting an investigation into the incident.

Local Media Coverage: Live 5 News WCSC


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