One beautiful spring day, the lives of John and Anne O’Brien were forever changed. Their six-year-old daughter, Annie, was struck and killed by an automobile while exiting a school bus. Even though the investigating police officers did not fault the driver of the bus or the driver of the car with causing the tragedy, the lawyers at the Joye Law Firm knew otherwise. After reviewing the facts of the case, gathering information, and talking with witnesses, it became apparent to the Joye Law Firm that the bus company’s designated unloading point was unsafe and that the bus driver’s negligent actions were a direct cause of Annie’s death.
Because the bus company was unwilling to take responsibility for its negligent actions, the Joye Law Firm filed suit against the company. During the litigation process, which included tracking down witnesses from various parts of the country, the Joye Law Firm uncovered countless violations of industry standards and company policies and procedures. Chris McCool, formerly one of the lead attorneys on the case for the Joye Law Firm, commented, “It was shocking how little the company paid attention to safety, even its own safety rules. I worked as a corporate and insurance defense lawyer for almost seven years before I came to the Joye Law Firm and I’ve seen a lot of bad acts by corporations. This was about as bad as they come.”
As a result of Joye Law Firm’s determination to obtain justice for John and Anne, the lawyers for the bus company approached the Joye Law Firm about resolving the case through mediation. Because John and Anne felt that they could not relive the tragic loss of their daughter in open court, the Joye Law Firm agreed to try and settle the case through mediation. After rebutting the various ploys and tactics corporations implement during settlement negotiations, the case was settled and some closure was brought to the lives of John and Anne.
While no amount of money can bring back a loved one, the Joye Law Firm understands the grief and pain associated with the death of a family member. The Joye Law Firm also understands the fact that big corporations should be held accountable for their negligent actions. Their sheer size and wealth should not shield them from wrong doings. We are ready, willing, and able to represent persons whose lives have been tragically changed by the negligent acts of others – even when a police investigation initially indicates no wrong doing. The death of little Annie O’Brien is another example of our willingness and ability to help those in need.