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    motorcycle accident

    Lack of visibility and other drivers’ inattention are to blame for many South Carolina motorcycle accidents. In most collisions involving a motorcycle vs. a passenger car or truck, the driver of the larger vehicle is at fault. Motorcycles have a narrow profile and are easy to overlook. Many riders have heard a story about a car driver claiming “I never saw them” after an accident.

    “The Hurt Report”, a well-known study, says the predominant cause of accidents is the failure of motorists to recognize motorcycles in traffic.

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    Common Causes of South Carolina Motorcycle Accidents

    Each accident is different but there are common causes of motorcycle accidents in South Carolina.

    • Failure of drivers to see motorcycles turn at intersections. Because motorcycles are small, many motorists simply don’t see them — especially if the driver isn’t paying attention. Motorists may also be inclined to make quick turns at traffic intersections, failing to notice oncoming motorcycles. A five-year study from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute showed that the most common contributing factor (25 percent) to multi-vehicle crashes involving motorcycles at intersections was the failure to yield the right of way while turning left.
    • Motorists failing to yield to motorcyclists. This can occur at highway ramps, exits or entrances, and parking lots. Often, this failure to yield is also caused by the driver not taking the time to see the motorcyclist. When obstacles such as buildings, parked cars, or bushes are present, this can also contribute to the driver of a passenger vehicle failing to yield. The Hurt Report says that 66 percent of collisions between motorcycles and passenger vehicles happen because the motorist violates the motorcyclist’s right of way. Most often, a car turns left unexpectedly in front of an oncoming motorcycle, and the biker cannot avoid a collision.
    • Drivers engaging in distracted driving. If other drivers are texting, talking on a cell phone, or eating and drinking, it is more likely that they will fail to see motorcycle riders around them.
    • Driving while intoxicated. If the driver of the passenger vehicle is driving drunk, this can be a major contributing factor in a motorcycle accident.
    • Motorists failing to correctly judge the speed of motorcycles. Many drivers of passenger vehicles are simply not able to assess how quickly a motorcycle is moving.
    • Motorists following too closely behind motorcyclists. Because motorcycles are lighter and come to a stop faster than cars and trucks, many motorcyclists are injured in rear-end accidents caused by motorists who do not allow extra room to stop.
    • Motorists hitting motorcycle riders in their blind spots. In many cases, a motorist will fail to perform a “head check” while switching lanes and crash into a motorcycle rider who was in their blind spot.
    • Potholes or debris on the road. These are major causes of single-vehicle motorcycle accidents. Due to their design, motorcycles face a greater hazard from steep shoulder drop-offs, potholes, cracked or grooved pavement, gaps between different road surfaces, puddles, and road debris. In some cases, the government agency or individuals responsible for maintaining the road may be held liable if road defects cause or contribute to the accident.
    • Defects with the motorcycle. If the motorcycle itself malfunctions or has a design defect, this can contribute to causing an accident. In these instances, the manufacturer of the motorcycle could potentially be held liable in a product liability lawsuit.

    As these common causes show, most of the time someone other than the motorcycle rider causes or contributes to the accident. Our South Carolina motorcycle accident lawyers know how to prove liability in a bike wreck case. Let an experienced attorney help you determine what factors caused your accident and whether someone should be held legally responsible.

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    Other factors that frequently contribute to South Carolina motorcycle accidents:

    • the instability inherent in a two-wheeled vehicle
    • other drivers’ blind spots
    • tailgating or “cutting off”
    • speeding or other reckless driving
    • distractions
    • defective road conditions
    • driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
    • mechanical problems
    • brake failure
    • tire blowouts or excessive wear
    • steering mechanism defects
    • engine failure
    • faulty clutch
    • electrical system failure

    When a motorcycle accident occurs, determining the cause of the crash becomes extremely important for two distinct reasons. First, learning the cause of a crash can lead to fixes that prevent future accidents. Secondly, it can determine whether someone else should be held legally liable for the incident. If another driver is responsible for your accident, our South Carolina motorcycle accident attorneys can assist you in collecting full and fair compensation for your losses.

    South Carolina Motorcycle Accident and Passenger Vehicles

    The IIHS and HLD have compiled statistics to help determine some of the common causes of motorcycle accidents. According to its most recent published reports:

    • 38 percent of motorcyclist deaths in 2021 occurred in single-vehicle crashes and 62 percent occurred in multiple-vehicle crashes.
    • 3 percent of motorcycles involved in two-vehicle crashes were hit in the front of the bike and 8.3 percent in the rear.
    • 59 percent of motorcyclist deaths occurred during May-September, peaking in June.
    • 54 percent of fatalities occurred on major roads other than interstates and freeways.

    These statistics highlight the unique risks associated with motorcycle accidents, especially in cases where a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle collide.

    Contact Our South Carolina Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Today

    Whatever the cause, our South Carolina motorcycle accident lawyers at Joye Law Firm can help you through the confusion and strain that follow a serious motorcycle accident. Respect and compassion are what you will get from our lawyers and staff from your first call until your case is resolved. Since 1968 we have helped injured people like you recover not just the money and benefits they deserve, but also their lives.

    If you’ve been seriously injured in a South Carolina motorcycle accident, whatever the cause, you can trust our attorneys to work to get you the money and benefits you are entitled to.

    Call Joye Law Firm at (888) 324-3100 or fill out our free online case evaluation form.

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