The winter holiday season – from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day – is a busy time in many people’s lives and on our roads. Unfortunately, the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve holidays are also some of the most dangerous times to travel, in part because of heavy traffic and the recklessness of others on the road. Inclement weather can also make winter holiday travel on busy roads more treacherous.
Following the safe holiday travel tips below can help make you safer this winter, but they can’t eliminate reckless and careless driving by others. Please drive safely this holiday season, and if you’re in an accident that was not your fault, call Joye Law Firm.
Joye Law Firm helps victims of car accidents in South Carolina obtain the compensation they deserve for their injuries and other losses. Call us now or use this online contact form to set up a free initial meeting today.
10 Tips For Safe Winter Holiday Travel
- Have a plan. Know where you’re going before you get on the road this holiday season. Map your route and estimate when you will arrive at your destination. Share your plans with someone at your destination and at home.
- Prepare your vehicle. Inspect your car for winter and have any necessary maintenance work done. Fill the gas tank or fully charge a hybrid or electric car. Keep emergency equipment in your car, such as a flashlight, jumper cables, ice scraper and snow brush, abrasive material (sand, kitty litter), and warning devices (flares, triangle reflectors).
- Prepare for longer trips. Make sure your cell phone is charged or you have an in-car charger. For long trips, take along food and (non-alcoholic) drinks, blankets and pillows for passengers, and any medication you or your traveling companions may need. If you’re traveling with children, bring along age-appropriate games.
- Leave early. Be prepared for busy roads during peak times of the day and as the holidays approach. No one likes to rush. Start early enough that it can be as leisurely a trip as possible.
- Lock up. Keep your vehicle locked while traveling, when you stop, and once you arrive at your destination. Do not allow strangers to have access to your car.
- Take breaks. You should stop at least every two to three hours. Get out of the car and stretch your legs. Breaks will help make you more alert and help you manage stress. Switch drivers if possible.
- Stick to main roads and highways. Main roads and highways may be more crowded, but they are also well-lit, better maintained, and more heavily patrolled by law enforcement and public safety personnel. Don’t take unnecessary chances that could cause you to get lost or become stranded, especially when traveling alone or with children.
- Be prepared. Know who you’ll call for roadside assistance if an incident occurs on the road. In South Carolina, you can call *HP on a cell phone to reach the Highway Patrol.
- Be safe in an emergency. If your car stalls or gets stuck, don’t overexert trying to get going again. Move a disabled or wrecked vehicle as far out of traffic as possible, and stay with your vehicle. Turn on emergency flashers, put something bright on the car’s antenna or windows, and shine the dome light. Run your car only as necessary to stay warm, and crack a window. Make sure the car’s exhaust is not blocked.
- Look like you belong. When you arrive at your destination or stop along the way, stow luggage, maps, directions, and anything else that indicates that you are a tourist or are unfamiliar with the area. Put anything of value in the trunk or covered storage area.
Just Call Joye Law Firm
If you get into a car accident that is not your fault this holiday season, Joye Law Firm wants to help you obtain compensation for your injuries and other losses.
Call Joye Law Firm. We can advise you of your legal options after a South Carolina car accident at no charge to you. Call us now or use this online contact form.